Waste reduction tips

Are you keen to reduce the amount of waste your household sends to landfill? Check out the handy tips from Waste Sorted on how to be a GREAT sort! You can also find more information from Recycle Right on how to avoid waste in your household, including some great ideas on how to avoid waste in school lunchboxes.
Also make sure you:
- Recycle your paper, cardboard, cans, plastic containers and glass bottles and jars.
- Take items such as batteries, light bulbs and e-waste to a designated drop off point.
- Avoid excess packaging wherever possible.
- Squeeze the air out of rubbish bags.
For more information on reducing your household’s rubbish, visit www.wastesorted.wa.gov.au.
Littering and dumping are illegal practices where people deliberately deposit their rubbish and unwanted items on streets, in parks, on vacant land or into the bush.
More serious illegal dumping occurs where people fill up trailers and trucks and dump items in areas where they think they will not be seen such as National Parks, bushland reserves or parks.
This negative and harmful practice shows disregard for Jerramungup's natural environment. There is no excuse for this type of dumping when there are existing waste services available.
Reporting Litter
For litter which has been dumped on public land, please contact the Shire on 9835 1022 or report it using the online 'Report It' form. Our Ranger will attend to investigate and arrange for litter to be removed.
Litter which has been dumped on private property is the sole responsibility of the property owner. The property owner has the option of referring their complaint to the Keep Australia Beautiful Council (KABC).
Fines for Littering
In Western Australia littering infringements can be issued by authorised officers that include: police officers, local government rangers and other officers employed by government departments that oversee the protection of the environment and waterways.