The Shire of Jerramungup, with support from LotteryWest and the State Government, have constructed a new civic square and skate park in the heart of the new Bremer Bay town centre. It is located on Seadragon Avenue at the corner of Yandil Street.
The park used locally donated materials, a design the reflects the surrounding landscape and offers something for everyone.
The Park consists of:
- A new, all ages skate park;
- A nature based playground centered around the recreation of the wreck of the Agnes
- Shelter, tables and barbeques; and
- Active play space, public toilets, drinking fountain, bicycle parking and more.

The park was opened in September 2018 by the Hon. Peter Watson MLA, Member for Albany.
A video on the development of the Civic Square and Skate Park can be viewed here
The park will occasionally host skate clinics in the school holidays organised by the Bremer Bay CRC.
Safety and Emergency contact information
It is important to remember that this facility is located outside and therefore subject to all weather conditions. It may be slippery when wet, and sun protection is recommended to be worn, especially during the summer.
Mums and dads, please keep an eye on your kids at all times!
Skating, scooting and riding can be difficult to master. You will fall at some stage, so make sure you're wearing protective gear including a helmet, and knee, elbow and wrist guards.

In the event of an emergency, please phone 000 and quote the address as Bremer Bay Skate Park, Seadragon Avenue, Bremer Bay.
For other police matters, please phone 131 444
Please note: You use these facilities at your own risk and the Shire is not liable for any injury, which may include paralysis or death, however caused.