There are a range of accommodation options available throughout the Shire of Jerramungup from Camping to motels to Bed and Breakfasts.
Please view the Fire Information page to see when you are allowed to have a campfire.
Hotel / Motels:
Jerramungup Motor Hotel - 08 9835 1011
Bremer Bay Resort - 08 9837 4133
Wellstead Homestead - 0427 582 522 / 0409 374 312
Quaalup Homestead Wilderness Retreat - 08 9837 4124
Holiday Homes
Break Aways Bremer Bay - 0409 374 312
Discover Bremer Bay - 0447 271 665
Bed & Breakfasts:
Bremer Bay B&B - 0421 037 344
Barnville @ Bremer - 0412 879 605
Caravan Parks:
Jerramungup Caravan Park - 08 9835 1174
Beaches Resort and Tourist Park - 08 9837 4290
Bremer Bay Caravan Park - 08 9837 4018
Bremer Bay Camping Spots: (Please note that camping is prohibited on beaches within 10kms of Bremer Bay)
Bookings are not taken - sites are on a first in first served policy.
House Beach - Toilet Facilities
Millers Point (Dogs permitted on a leash) - Cost $10.00 per person, per night - Toilet Facilities
Fitzgerald River National Park Camping Spots:
Four Mile Beach
Fitzgerald Inlet
Hamersley Inlet
Point Ann - Toilet Facilities
Quoin Head
St Mary Inlet