The Shire of Jerramungup has a strong vibrant community, with a number of active community groups existing to meet the needs of their members. Joining any of these community groups is a great way of becoming involved in the local community and all clubs welcome new members.
Bremer Bay Community Resource Centre & Library
Contact: Reception
Phone: 08 9837 4171
Bremer Bay Craft Club
Contact: Gloria Jury
Phone: 08 9837 4403
Bremer Bay Community Men's Shed
Contact: Mick Lance
Phone: 0428 271 313
Bremer Bay Trails
Contact: Jan Roberts
Bremer Bay Occasional Child Care Centre
Contact: Nadine Wise
Phone: 0419 183 802
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group (FBG)
Contact: Leonie McMahon
Phone: 9835 1127
FOWEG+ (Friends Of Wellstead Estuary+)
Contact: Rhonda Williams
Phone: 08 9837 1030
Gairdner Parents & Citizens
Contact: Rachel Murdoch
Phone: 0428 503 876
Gairdner Playgroup
Contact: Naomi Hall
Phone: 0409 228 534
Gairdner Progress Association
Contact: Naomi Hall
Home and Aged Community Care Jerramungup
Contact: Bev Brooks
Phone: 0427 351 206
Jerramungup Community Resource Centre & Library
Contact: Reception
Phone: 08 9835 1630
Jerramungup Lions Club
Contact: Trevor Ross
Phone: 08 9835 5023
Jerramungup Occasional Child Care Association
Contact: Nadine Wise
Phone: 0498 351 047
Jerramungup Parents & Citizens
Contact: Livvy Goundry
Kokoda Op Shop
Contact: Allyson Ross
Phone: 08 9835 5023
Needilup Progress Association
Contact: Wendy Brown
Phone: 0427 352 011
St Johns Ambulance
Emergencies: 000
Volunteer Emergency Service
Emergencies: 000
Enquiries (Jerramungup): 08 9835 1740
Enquiries (Bremer Bay): 08 9837 4171
Bremer Marine Rescue: 0429 374 171