Shire of Jerramungup Planning Services
Council has a Planning Officer based at the Bremer Bay Community Resource Center available to help with any planning or development enquiries. You are encouraged to contact the Shire’s Planning Officer early in the development of your proposal to ensure that you are aware of the Shire’s requirements when planning your new development. Early advice can save you considerable time and money when preparing your plans and applications.
Planning Approval
All land within the Shire of Jerramungup is subject to the Shire of Jerramungup’s
Local Planning Scheme No. 2. Therefore, if you are intending to use a property for a particular purpose or intend to build on a property you first need to obtain planning approval from the Shire. This applies to both urban and rural land.
Planning decisions are made by Council (with some decision making delegated to staff) and can often involve consultation with the community and relevant State Government departments. If planning approval is granted, it is usually subject to a range of conditions. For a planning application form and the applicable fees and charges please contact the Shire's Planning Officer or click on the link below;
Planning Application
Planning Application Checklist
Planning Fees
The assessment process is summarised as follows:

Strategic Land Use Planning
At a state-wide level, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for the State Planning Strategy, which aims to coordinate and promote regional land use planning and development in Western Australia.
At the local government level, Council and the WAPC have adopted Local Planning Strategy No.2 that sets the broad strategic planning ‘direction’ for the Shire for the next 20 years. The Local Planning Strategy is to be read in conjunction with Local Planning Scheme No.2
Local Planning Scheme No.2
All land in the Shire of Jerramungup is subject to Local Planning Scheme controls; all development and change of use requires Planning Approval.
Development within the Shire of Jerramungup is administered through Local Planning Scheme No.2 which was gazetted in 2007. The Local Planning Scheme consists of the Scheme Text and Maps.
The Local Planning Scheme calls up the Residential Design Codes of WA (the R-Codes) to control development in residential areas.
Amending the Planning Scheme
If a use is not allowed under the Planning Scheme, Council may agree to amend it to allow for different uses. A number of factors need to be taken into account when an Amendment to a Planning Scheme is proposed. Generally, Council must be satisfied that:
- an explanatory report clearly defining what is proposed is prepared; and
- affects on the environment are considered and that social and economic effects have been addressed.
All Planning Scheme Amendments will have an accompanying fee that will need to be paid before the matter is determined. Please refer to Planning Information for an application form and details of related charges.
Local Planning Policies
A number of Local Planning Policies have been adopted to guide certain types of development in the Shire, they are listed at the Planning Information page of this website.